Records Retention

Access convenient, economical bulk storage for record retention. Our single or double entry units allow complete access to all files for quick document retrieval. Units are available up to 23′ tall with catwalks.
Features include:
- Store 20 standard record boxes per shelf
- Available as single units or multilevel systems
- No sway braces, full access from all sides
- No wasted space
- Expandable – a second level catwalk system can be added to double storage space without adding overhead
Rugged boltless construction provides a cost efficient storage system. Rigid connections provide solid support for decking, supporting 1,000 lbs. per shelf with a unit capacity of 16,000 lbs. Shelves adjust on 1-1/2″ centers. Super strong posts are one-piece construction. Available with solid particleboard or 50% open wire decks.
For engineered records retention warehouse systems, industry and governmental standards for records retention, please contact